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Business Intelligence through Conversational AI

By April 14, 2022May 9th, 2023Events2 mins read
Business intelligence through conversational ai

Today, data is money for all organizations. Every business decision is based on detailed data analysis. Every investment decision is made based on business intelligence insights gained from data analytics. So, businesses have a lot riding on data intelligence. That is why organizations have become data-oriented today and invest a lot in enabling access to clean data for diverse sets of users and the ability to provide the right set of tools to derive insights out of that data.

However, the question is:

How efficiently are organizations able to derive valuable insights from the data available?
How deep can data insights get?
Will those insights be available to the users in real-time?
Will the data insights be interpreted the way they need to be?
The answer to these questions is as complicated as the data organizations must process and analyze. Most organizations today are struggling with finding ways to gain business intelligence from their data. With the amount of data that organizations today store, data dashboards can no longer display a complete picture.

So, where do we go from here?

Conversational AI

We have been spoilt with virtual assistants today where we have instant access to the exact piece of information we are looking for. What if there was a Google Assistant or a Siri for your business data? You could ask questions in plain English and get instant answers?

This is the future of business intelligence and data analytics. As per a Gartner study, NLP and Conversational Analytics will boost Analytics and Business Intelligence adoption to over 50%, including new classes of users.

A Conversational approach could help, by steering the conversation along a certain path guiding the user to ask the right set of questions and helping them expand their point of view before coming to the right conclusions.

Say Hello to Kea, our low-code platform for Conversational Insights, built on top of Azure cognitive services, including Custom Speech and LUIS, that can help you get meaningful answers for your momentary information needs and more

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